Art Upload

Upload Artwork

Please provide the following information and then select your art files(s) for uploading. All fields are required. When you are finished, click "Submit Artwork" at the bottom of the page to proceed.

What File Formats Do We Accept: Vector artwork such Adobe Illustrator (.AI or .EPS), Corel Draw (.CDR) is preferred. We request that any text be converted to outlines (curves) prior to sending your file. High quality/high resolution files such as Adobe Acrobat (.PDF), .TIFF or Adobe Photoshop (.PSD) may also be acceptable. We ask that these files be sized to 100% or larger than the actual print size, and at least 600 dpi. Depending on the size and quality of the image, we may or may not be able to use images or logos saved in Microsoft Word (.DOC) or low resolution/quality files such as .JPG .PNG or .GIF

Need Help? Call us at: 866.355.5171

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